Deciding to take a more non-traditional career path, Patricia left high school to pursue her musical talents. She performed throughout the United States and was eventually presented the opportunity to travel overseas. She moved and lived in Tokyo, Japan for several years, where she toured with a number of American and Japanese artists. In between musical opportunities, Patricia found herself working at law firms, where she was always asked why she hadn’t gone to law school.
She later decided to pursue her legal career and graduated from Wilberforce University with a Bachelor of Science Degree. She earned her Juris Doctor from the University of Dayton School of Law. Prior to attending law school, Patricia was employed as an OSBA Certified Paralegal with some of the top law firms in Dayton, Ohio. Within those firms, she gained valuable experience regarding the complexities of the law and the importance of client relations. Patricia is quite active on social media platforms where she hosts informative videos entitled “A Look At The Law.”
Her areas of practice focus on Personal Injury, Probate Law and Estate Planning. Because of Patricia’s passion for those who are entitled to legal advocacy, she works diligently to obtain a positive outcome for each client.